
Before... not After

Like my friend, Krisitn, I have an iMac through the university. She took pics of herself as Assistant Professor both before and then a year later. I somewhat duplicate that here.

Check back annually...


The Office

From inside the doorway.

From next to the desk.


5 Things I've Learned

Some things I've learned about Iowa and/ or Cedar Falls:

1) For many folks, faith/ religion is a very public part of their lives (coming from someone who moved from "secular" Madison, WI)
2) While the climate is the same as Madison, it is noticeably susceptible to hot prairie winds
3) RAGBRAI is a big deal.
4) Having only 3 public universities makes for strong allegiances.
5) Both public education and public radio are strongly supported.

Not always theoretical... not even always academic.. but always written..